Oslo Norway |
Keep this pearl unspoilt please! Date : 13 04 2010
Time : 00 : 05
Rating :
Excellent |
We have visited this pearl two times now, and it never fails to give value. Tranquil and pittorescue, and with good restaurants. I sincerely recommend the to Dikti restaurant, honest and very good food, with a hospitable atmosphere doing everything in this world to please you.
korbach deutschland |
plaka and naxos all Date : 31 12 2009
Time : 17 : 33
Rating :
Excellent |
Naxos is a very beautiful island. I have been there every year about 1996. In Naxos town there are a lot of people from June to august, but it is very beautiful in september and not so hot. In naxos you have all thinks for a good holiday. You can relax at the beach, go shopping in town or riding with motorbike across the island. If you need more informations, kontakt me, I will help you, if I can.
Trollhattan , Sweden |
Just love this place Date : 01 05 2006
Time : 13 : 03
Rating :
Above average |
This is one of the best island to go in Europe.
John Saltas
Salt Lake |
Fourth of Naxos Date : 19 07 2005
Time : 18 : 13
Rating :
Excellent |
It’s another beautiful Fourth of July in the middle of the Aegean Sea. For the second time in the past three years, I’ve missed the Independence Day celebrations due to obligations here in Greece. Like swimming. I’m on the island of Naxos, sitting in an excellent Internet café called Matrix—spelled M@TRIX and operated by two Brits—just a few yards from the harbor in the main town of Naxos, not coincidentally also called Naxos. To avoid confusion, except among tourists, Naxos town is also known as Chora. The main cities on a Greek island or region are called Chora. Simple enough.
We arrived on Naxos yesterday after an absolutely terrible high-speed boat ride from Iraklion, Crete. Imagine spending four hours on a combo roller coaster and Tilt-a-Whirl to get the picture. I’m among the few who didn’t toss biscuits. I’d say 99 percent of the passengers were on the edge of calling Ralph, and that 90 percent of them actually did. We weren’t 10 minutes out of Iraklion when retching began in earnest. Crew members handed out barf bags by the handful. Our first stop, Santorini, was a mere two hours away; Naxos four.
Some people managed to eat a bit or read newspapers. I was too busy fanning people down to read or eat. I’m telling you that the gag reflex is one powerful mama, but I just didn’t want to puke in front of the kids. Especially, I didn’t want to puke without any alcohol in my system; that would be girliemannish. Not to mention, my wife Paula—who was sick the entire distance—and son Mikey had given up their seats for spots on the floor, right where I would have aimed and where other people previously had. Puking on family members is not considered good form anywhere, even Greece.
Arriving on Naxos made up for the terror ride. People have been living here for thousands of years. I remember when I was working at Kennecott and this very religious guy kept insisting that the earth is only 4,000 years old and he could trace his own genealogy to Adam. Well, today I stood next to a Minoan-era ceramic amphora—used for storing wine or oil—that was found on Naxos and is 4,000 years old. I guess Adam lived here and this is the Garden of Eden. Naxos is beautiful and mystical, but due to its strategic location in the center of the Aegean Sea, and its relatively large size, Naxos has seen its share of world history, virtually none of it U.S.-centric. So, like the rest of the world map, most Americans don’t know a friggin’ thing about Naxos.
Naxos’ history of inhabitation goes back at least 2,000 years before Christ. My Kennecott rail-spiking companion wouldn’t believe it. Naxos was part of the thriving and influential Minoan civilization that died away following an ancient and destructive tsunami caused by a tremendous volcano and earthquake on nearby Santorini. As well, the archaic and artful Cycladic culture thrived on Naxos. Naxos is an island in the Cyclades chain that includes the more famous Santorini and Mykonos. The whole group forms a bit of a circle, hence the name, Cyclades. The Athenians, Macedonians and Romans all left their mark just before and after the time of Christ.
Centuries of Byzantine rule and occupation followed and then the Venetians arrived, leaving wonderful castles all over these islands. The Crusaders, on their way to convert Muslims to Christianity or kill them, came through Naxos. It’s a crying shame that Ann Coulter, whose thinking mirrors that of the Crusaders, wasn’t living eight centuries ago. The wonderful ideas regarding the Middle East that are brought to you by America’s political far right are actually centuries old. They were tried, tested and marked as failures long ago on Naxos, but don’t tell that to Ann and her fellow neo-cons. She and that ilk are claiming to either be winning, nearly winning, or coming close to deciding if we can win in Iraq, meanwhile laying waste to anyone who disagrees with them. That’s how the Crusades went.
As I write this, America is celebrating a national holiday, one I cherish and enjoy, so I won’t even mention occupations of Naxos by the Turks, Germans and Russians. I’ll skip that in favor of walking up to the bar, and in the spirit of 1776, ordering myself a Sam Adams beer. Be right back … ahhh. Never mind that I’m making do with local brew. The point is that Naxos has seen the flags of dozens of occupiers fly above it. That’s more than we ever have seen in the States, and hopefully, plenty more than we ever will. For, unlike Greece, which remains nationalistic, unified and culturally cohesive despite those centuries of dismal occupation, America, from this distance, seems to be caving in upon itself.
Being here nearly a month—in this “free land without rules” as my Australian bartender in Paleochora put it—I more than ever miss the freedoms I once enjoyed in America. You all know those freedoms are eroding, trashed by the cynical far right and exploited by the arrogant far left. I’m reading online how Americans define patriotism, yet Americans can’t even decide on that. Good Americans jousting with good Americans is one thing, but these days the sides despise each other. The notions I’ve read mostly confuse patriotism with pageantry. Thanks, Orrin. We’ll all know who the patriots are if we ever have to defend the home turf, not merely attach yellow stickers to it.
It’s time to light a sparkler. That’s all I can do. Well, that and lay into the powdery Bougatsa pastry in front of me serving as today’s apple pie.
louisa glynn
london |
the island Date : 13 07 2005
Time : 11 : 49
Rating :
Excellent |
my partner and I decided to do some travelling and after hectic cities we found ourselves in Naxos. This admittedly was 4 years ago, we ended up staying 3 months around the Chora Naxos area as our base and discovered this beautiful island. The water is some of the clearest i have ever swam in and thats including the carribean, the people of Naxos are the friendliest, most laid back people you are ever likely to meet,we were welcomed with smiles and ouzo wherever we went. The standard of eateries and the cuisine is varied and of a good standard in all places we ate, we indulged in Greek and other cuisine including the mexican place Picasso and East West the Chinese/Thai restaurant. For something a bit different we went to the open air cinema and at the time the film Chocolat was showing. Everything is walkable around the town the old town and beach. We hired a bike to explore the rest of the Island and all the other beaches we went to were great including the nudist beach! and one thing i can say is there is so much space. All in all Naxos is a friendly, beautiful Island which offers something for everyone, so much so we are returning this year for a nostalgic return trip.
Riegler Sylvia
Judenburg,Austria |
Kalandos Date : 12 01 2005
Time : 13 : 24
Rating :
Excellent |
The first time we were in Naxos with our 3 children was 1990. We slept in our campingcar and in a tend in kalandos. Now our children are 26, 25, and 22, but they always return to naxos.
We also visit naxos nearly every year. The nicest place is kalandos! The people, we met their, are very friendly.
Elias, Nicolas etc......
A Travel to Naxos User
Leeds .West Yorkshire . U.K. |
Naxos .Two weeks of Heaven Date : 07 10 2004
Time : 20 : 26
Rating :
Excellent |
After a pleasant ferry ride from Pireaus,one of the lovliest islands to arrive at is Naxos.Well worth the journey for a deserved vacation of sun ,sand and sea.The weather for September was warm with a little breeze in the background which was pleasently cooling.
The sea is a patchwork of aqua marine and deep blue,with golden soft sand beaches over most of the island; one of the biggest being at Plakka about a 20 min bus ride from the Cora.(Town centre.)Accomadation is reasonable and plentiful.
With tavernas to suite most tastes wether it be a pasta and salad or a more substancial meal Naxos is the place to be .The people are warm and friendly.I will go there until I am unable to.
Quimper FRANCE |
naxos Date : 07 09 2004
Time : 20 : 31
Rating :
Okay, but some problems |
Envoutée par la Grèce mais plus particuliérement par les Cyclades depuis 1978 mon île favorite et ma base NAXOS,j'y vais chaque année en juin et parfois en septembre sans défaillir mais je dois avouer que cette année les prix étaient à l'apogée ce qui en fait de cette destination merveilleuse et simple en a fait une destination de luxe car mon budget a été triplé du fait que j'ai maintenu le même train devie quoique avec quelques resrestrictions notamment en achats ..
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